Regaining Confidence After Losing Your Job
Losing your job can be difficult, it can be a hard time both emotionally and financially however you shouldn’t lose hope. Staying optimistic may be hard but it is important that you try and keep positive during this hard time.
The loss of your job can really kick your confidence and make you feel bad about yourself and your abilities, however it’s important to remember that it isn’t necessarily your fault. Companies downsize for many reasons and most of them are beyond your control.
Try to think of it as an opportunity for a new beginning and a fresh start. It is a chance to move on and try something different, perhaps start some new career training or try and bring new life into your old practices. Sometimes bad luck can be a blessing in disguise so it’s important to try and look on the bright side.
Use it as an opportunity to pursue something you have always wanted to try but perhaps felt you couldn’t in your previous role. Going through the interview process all over again can actually really help you to pinpoint your strengths and abilities which can boost your self-esteem.
Don’t let unsuccessful interviews and applications put you off. You won't be the perfect fit for many places and this isn’t down to you not being good enough, most likely it’s due to someone else just being a better fit for that particular job. Keep going and you will eventually find the perfect place.
Keep actively searching and don’t let yourself drift for too long. The more time you spend away from your career, the harder it will be to jump back in. Actively pursuing a new role will help to keep your hopes high and give you the determination you need to push forward.