Are Childcare Costs Hindering Your Return To Work?

Mothers who want to return to work after having a baby are finding it increasingly difficult to do so, as a result of soaring childcare costs. 

According to a study by Indeed Flex, 40 per cent of those polled cannot afford to go back to work, the National News reported.

The survey also revealed one-third of those who do work spend 30 per cent of their salary on childcare expenses.

Chief executive officer of Indeed Flex Novo Constare said: “Nursery and childminder costs can swallow a huge chunk of new parents' earnings, and with the current cost-of-living crisis squeezing every household's budget, it's no surprise that some women are put off going back to work.”

The Family and Childcare Trust reported that the average cost of full-time childcare was £263 a week in 2021. This amounts to as much as £13,700 per year. However, it could be even greater now, particularly in some areas of the country, such as London.

Currently, the government offers 15 hours of free childcare per week for kids aged three and four. Those who qualify may also be able to receive an additional 15 hours. 

The government recently pledged the scheme will be made available to parents of children over the age of nine months from September 2024, with mums and dads of two-year-olds being eligible from April next year. 

This could make it more financially viable for mums to return to work. Having a long break from the office can make it difficult to get back into the swing of things, which is why return to work online training might be useful for many mothers at this point. 


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